Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Make New Friends, But Keep the Old

My first week in Sweden was a little weird.  I was excited to get to Stockholm so I didn’t have to sit on my parent’s couch anymore.  One week of that was more than enough for me.  But, since I only work about four hours a day, I found myself sitting on my bed almost as much as I had been sitting on that couch in Rosholt.  It felt unnatural to not know anyone my own age in the country. 

Every other time I’ve had to make friends, I’ve been in a very easy situation to make them.  College: 200 friends accessible in dorm.  Summer Camp: 20 friends working with you.  Study Abroad: 29 friends travelling with you.  This is the first time I’ve had to work a little bit to meet some people. 

Thank God for the internet.  I met a ton of au pair girls because of Facebook, and scheduled times to meet with them through the website.  When I imagine how hard it would have been 20 years ago to make friends as an au pair without the web, I imagine that I wouldn’t have been so ready to leave all of my friends and family at home for a year.

Not only has the internet helped me make friends in Sweden, it’s the only thing that’s kept me in touch with friends in Wisconsin, and everywhere else they’ve migrated to after college.  I can talk to my boyfriend every day, skype with friends all over the world for free, and receive uplifting emails from my mom.  Our generation of travelers, willing to leave everyone they know behind, is lucky because we don’t really have to leave everyone completely behind. 

I’m happy and I’m finally getting some friends here.  They are so many lovely girls here from all over the world and I love getting to know all of them.  I can’t wait to make some great life friends here. Here’s to you Jessica of Canada, Jessika of Germany, Lindsey of Florida, Lisa of Finland, and Sarah of Germany; let’s have an incredible year. 


  1. I read every time you post! I'm glad you are having a great time over there, I find myself sitting on my parents couch most of the day.

  2. I'm so glad you read! I am always hoping people do. :) What else is new with you? I miss you!

  3. Oh nothing really new, I have a few interviews next week I'm pretty excited about that. What's your address so I can write letters? Getting real mail is always fun!

  4. Mail would be so awesome!
    My address is
    Kacie Otto
    c/o Borje Darpo
    Trasthagen 11
    SE 181 14
    Lidingo, Sweden

    I'll send you something too!
