Monday, May 16, 2011

Kacie Poppins Loves Mohombi

            If I let myself think about it, I get a little bit nervous about the fact that I am moving to a country where I know no one except people I have skyped and e-mailed with a few times.

 Fortunately, my bestie, Dan Barker, is a Swedish culture lover and expert.  He’s been keeping up with what the Swedes have been doing for years now, paying special attention to their music..  Because of his advice, I’ve been listening to some Swedish jams lately and Abba should not be the only Swedish pop group that people know. 

            Dan gets all of his deliciously poppy music from  The blog features new pop music on the scene in Sweden.  Dan then sends me links to songs he’ll think I like.  My favorite right now, is “Coconut Tree” by Mohombi and Nicole Scherzinger.

Mohombi, was raised in the Congo before relocating to Stockholm and becoming a sexy star.  It breaks my heart that this song probably won’t make it in America. But do me a favor and check it out here anyway.

Also, check out sexy Mohombi at his website.

I'm Moving to Sweden!